The remaining Benjis made up for missing out of the British School holidays, by having a rugby holiday themselves, dozing and sleepwalking through 3 games against HRC and Gouda.

With players thin on the ground, no-one was expecting much more than a workout in the warm weather at Gouda. You could even tell how dozy the coaches were, when they frantically looked for the team sheet on TeamSnap to see who was missing from their 8 man squad… we didn’t have to look far, top of the list; Alex… what were we thinking even looking it up? DIOK, having a slightly bigger 15 man squad, kindly offered us two of their players, which was more than welcome, thanks guys.

Our first game against HRC started with little intensity or energy, which more than resembled a training match on a Tuesday night after a maths exam at school. To be fair, HRC weren’t much better, putting in just enough effort to eek out a 3-1 win.

The Benjis started to play a little better in their second game against Gouda (A) with some good attacking play from our newly stolen DIOK player Erben. It wasn’t until the cavalry arrived in the form of Alexander, just before half time with the match poised at 2-2, did the game swing on its head. Alexander instantly injected some intensity and pace into the game, creating and scoring to help secure a 7-3 win.

After a short break, we played Gouda (B), which was comfortably won 8-0 against a mostly first year team.

As a gesture (and deserved mind you), we presented out man o f the match award to DIOK player Erben, I think he quite enjoyed playing for BSN!


Captain: Hugo
Squad: Alexander, Camille, Hugo, Jamie, Louis, Luc, Mac, Ronan + DIOK
Man of the Match: Erben

Coaches: Cedric, Daran