What a match! On Saturday October 16, we headed to Driebergen to meet The Pink Panthers and their pink poles. The game was important: with Amstelveen having won all their games and leading the poule, the question was then to know who of The Pink Panthers or Wassenaar Warriors would come second, both teams having…

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On Saturday October 16th, 2021, our Turvens sent 3 teams to Diok, Leiden to play against Hermes, HRC, and Diok. Due to the impact of the autumn half term break in the Netherlands, there were only 7 teams in total. Thus, one of our teams could only play 2 matches. In addition, because one of…

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On Saturday October 9th, 2021, Turvens hosted their first home game at SV Wassenaar. 7 teams from Delft, HRC,and Gouda participated. Three Warriors Turvens teams played and achieved 8 out of 9 wins. Great job Warriors! The details are as follow: Team I: 6:1 (against Delft), 22 tags and 1 double tag were pulled; 10:2…

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The Hague Barbarians (our Junior side made up from players from Wassenaar Warriors, WRC Te Werve and Voorburgse Rugby Club) travelled to sunny Maastricht RFC on the 9th October for their last away game in the first part of the Junior Bowl competition. The first 20 minutes of the game was evenly matched with the…

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A nice day again in Holland for our Cubs and visiting team RC Eemland, who managed to be just on time for kick off. We were lucky to host 3 out of 5 games for this first phase, and so well done Eemland for arranging a team so far away. Most of the club teams…

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The sun was shining, the cows were grazing and our opponents supporters were cheering. They did come with 28 players and 27 parents from the RCW/Zaandijk cluster, including players from Zaandijk Rugby and Castricumse RC, which at least shows that they’re here to play. And playing they did, until the end, scoring 2 tries in total…

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It was a difficult Saturday for The Hague Barbarians (our Juniors team with combined players from Wassenaar Warriors, WRC Te Werve and Voorburgse Rugby Club) playing at home in Wassenaar against a strong and experienced Delft side. The Barbarians were competitive in the first half with the scrum working well and a few good attacking…

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