On Saturday October 9th, 2021, Turvens hosted their first home game at SV Wassenaar. 7 teams from Delft, HRC,and Gouda participated. Three Warriors Turvens teams played and achieved 8 out of 9 wins. Great job Warriors! The details are as follow:

Team I:

  • 6:1 (against Delft), 22 tags and 1 double tag were pulled;
  • 10:2 (against Delf), 23 tags and 4 double tags were pulled;
  • 9:7 (against Gouda), 20 tags and 2 double tags were pulled.

Everybody had contributed to the excellent defense!

Coach Cedric was very pleased about Team 1’s performance: “Tremendous Saturday morning. Warriors managed to keep their challengers under a big pressure thanks to a lot of tags. Very few offside that shows that they are all improving on this part of the games. The Warriors spirit was definitely there on Saturday!”

Team II:

  • 6:3 (against HRC), 12 tags and 3 double tags were pulled;
  • 8:2 (against HRC), 15 tags and 2 double tags were pulled;
  • 6:7 (against Delft), 17 tags and 2 double tags were pulled.

60% of the players tried for the team and some of them have tried for the first time of this season!

Coach Bertrand praised with joy: “That was a great day we will not forget. The fact to play at home liberated a lot of energy from our Warriors. The very good team effort resulted for some players to score their first try. An amazing joy for them and for the coaches too. For sure many others will follow. To be continued!”

Team III:

  • 9:7 (against Delft), 13 tags and 2 double tags were pulled;
  • 10:5 (against Gouda), 17 tags and 4 double tags were pulled;
  • 10:8 (against HRC), 9 tags and 1 double tags were pulled.

29 tries in 3 games demonstrated Team 3’s amazing attacking ability!

Coach Andy commended: “After a brief bout of indiscipline and lack of focus in game one, the Warriors fought back to even through a series of double-tags and forced a few knock-one from a buoyed Delft side, snatching victory in the dying minutes. This positive play continued through game two and three, with all Warriors working hard to gain possession and convert it into tries. An all round great effort from the team, showing strong support for each other, with strong communication and collaboration. Well done Warriors!”

After the great games, the fun was not over. Our talented coaches became top chefs and made the whole team great BBQ lunch. Not only Turvens families joined the party. Some Benjis families came back from Hoek van Holland and some Minis families returned from HRC. Warriors and families were enjoying nice food and music while watching our Cubs’ home game. Later, the coaches and parents also had a friendly touch rugby game with the little Warriors. Head Coach Gavin said: “Big thanks for a cracking day – lots of ace rugby and après match fun as well – think we set a pretty high bar for home games!”

Last but not least, many parents and even siblings offered to volunteer on Saturday. With their help, our first home game has been a big success. Looking forward to our next home game in November!

Ying Zhou-Rameseder
Team Manager Turvens

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