Brilliant Turvens Rugby – Colder than a Brass Monkey
In sub zero conditions BSN Turvens took to the field to host Voorburg, Hague, and for the first time this season, Rotterdam. In the battle of rugby skills (and the battle of attrition against the cold!), BSN did themselves proud with five wins and one loss.
BSN Blue bt Voorburg 14-8
Trys scored by Max (4), Axel (3), Matthew (3), Trym (2) & Henry (2)
BSN Blue bt HRC 11-10
Trys scored by Max (4), Matthew (3), Axel, Henry, Trym & Nigel
BSN Orange bt Rotterdam 10-8
Trys scored by Matts (3), Bob (3), Rijk (3), Sam 1
Voorburg bt BSN Orange 10-8
Trys scored by Bob (2), Matts (2), Rijk (2), Kavin & Zachary
BSN Orange bt Voorburg by default (Voorburg were too cold and went home)
BSN bt Rotterdam 11-6
Trys scored by Axel (2), Bob (2), Henry (2), Max (2), Mats, Matthew and Rijk