The BSN-Voorburg Cubs dominated the first half against RC Haarlem. The opposition gifted three of BSN’s four first half tries tries, kicking the ball to Lachlan on the wing, with the same result each time. But, Haarlem were the better side for the first twenty minutes of the second half, retaining possession and clawing back two tries in the corners. However, BSN came back at the end and scored three tries in the last five minutes to close out a comfortable 10-45 win.

The match started with Haarlem under pressure from the kick off. A loose Haarlem pass in their twenty-two nearly gifted Lachlan an easy try, but he couldn’t take it cleanly. Haarlem managed a clearing kick, but BSN collected possession and the backs made use of their width for Cammy to open the scoring.

Following the restart, a loose pass from BSN in a promising position, gave the ball to Haarlem, but they kicked the ball straight to Lachlan on the wing, who beat the defender to score under the posts. William converted for a 12-0 lead.

Haarlem started to come into the game. BSN’s forwards were slow to the ruck, but there were some great tackles from the backs, with one outstanding hit from Cammy. Haarlem managed to work the ball wide and their winger tried to get away from Atlanta, but it was no contest and he was bundled into touch. BSN had started to concede penalties at the breakdown, but Haarlem kicked away possession. Again the ball went to Lachlan on the wing and again Lachlan beat his man and scored under the posts. William made the conversion to extend the lead to 19-0.

Haarlem were starting to dominate the scrum, but could not make much of their advantage, and once again under pressure kicked the ball to Lachlan on the wing, who cut inside to score. With a change in kicker, Duncan converted the try.

The half ended 26-0, with Haarlem under pressure deep in their twenty-two.

The second half saw a much stronger performance from Haarlem. From the start, they retained possession, building phases of play and moving the ball right and then left, until they worked an opportunity in the corner.

Haarlem continued to have the advantage in possession and fifteen minutes into the second half, they had a penalty scrum a couple of yards out from the BSN try line. The ball came out on the blindside and Haarlem scored their second try of the match.

That was the last of Haarlem’s advantage and BSN came back into the game, breaking up the home team’s play. An interception from Alexander; a turnover by Jacob; Daniel winning a penalty by forcing the opposition player to hold onto the ball. From a BSN scrum deep in Haarlem territory, the ball went right and then left, with a long pass from Cammy giving a chance to William. He still had plenty to do, but twisted and stretched to score near the posts, before converting the try for a 33-10 lead.

BSN were now on top and a Lachlan interception led to his fourth try of the game. Duncan converted.

And, BSN were not done. Lachlan carried the ball forward; Cammy recycled the ball from the ruck to Duncan, who moved the ball quickly to Alexander for a final score into the left corner. The match ended 10-45 to BSN. A big improvement in commitment and play from the previous week.