There were shades of winter in Delft as the Benjis played and won against Rugby Club Delft and HRC.

With a cold wind blowing, it was a day to be in the thick of the action. The Benjis played three matches against Delft 1, Delft 2 and HRC, running in a total of 19 tries and conceding only four.

Captain Duncan in the middle of the ruck driving for the line

Captain Duncan in the middle of the ruck driving for the line

With few substitutes, the third game against HRC was the toughest. A strong defence from BSN was needed against HRC’s good play at the break down. With the teams level at half time, BSN had to up their running and passing to win the game 4-2.

With good performances from all players it was hard to pick out the man of the match, but Henry’s positive running saw him take the award.

Man of the match Henry making the yards

Man of the match Henry making the hard yards

Coach: Daran
Captain: Duncan
Man of the Match: Henry
Team: Alexander G, Andrea, Antoine, Jamie, Joaquim, Josh, Jules, Ronan