With Sinterklaasavond looming large, BSN took two teams to Rotterdam for friendlies against RRC and HRC.

The Piets were on the prowl, but I am happy to report that none of the squad were taken away in a brown sack.  Just as well, as substitutes were in short supply.

The thermometer read eight degrees, but few believed it with a biting wind blowing in from the South.  It was a day to keep hands warm in the ruck and the tackle.

Cammy keeping the ball warm

Cammy keeping the ball warm

First up for BSN1 were Rotterdamse Rugby Club 1.  The Benjis flew out of the blocks and were eight up at half time.  RRC claimed more possession in the second half, but were met with steady tackling from BSN, and the match ended 13-1.

BSN2 took to the pitch for the second game, which was tightly contested. BSN had the best of the ruck in first half, with a breakaway try from Jamal being a highlight.  In the second half, a rolling maul resulted in a try by Moritz, before strong RRC rucking led to two late tries by the opposition, as the game ended 5-2.

Moritz somewhere down there with the ball

Moritz somewhere down there with the ball

The final two games were played at the same time.  BSN1 took on the tough RRC2 side.  It was a hard game and BSN were struggling to get their passing game going.  That they were two up at half time was thanks to William, the captain and man of the match for BSN1, with some break out runs.  It was also helped by one of the RRC players throwing down the ball for a touchdown rather than grounding for an easy try.  BSN kept up the pressure in the second half and ground out a 5-0 win.

William on the move again

William on the move again

At the same time, BSN2 were taking on HRC. Playing well, the Benjis were six up at half time.  Man of the match Duncan set up a number of opportunities pinching the ball from the opposition for others to score the tries.  The second half was even with HRC rucking more successfully, but the game ended as a comfortable 8-2 win for BSN.

Duncan taking off on another attack

Duncan taking off on another attack

Coaches: Cedric, Daran
Captain & man of the match: William
Team: Aiden, Antoine, Henry, Jamie, Joaquin, Jules, Louis, Luc, Mac

Coaches: Scott, Daran
Captain: Daniel
Man of the match: Duncan
Team: Andrea, Calum, Cammy, Hugo, Jamal, Josh, Milly, Moritz