In cycling circles, if you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are hardcore. This is known as the ninth rule of cycling.

So when the rugby is cancelled because the pitches are water logged, but you get up on a Saturday morning to play friendly training games on Scheveningen beach in the wind, foam and hail; then you are definitely one of the hardcore.

Definitely needed a warm up

Definitely needed a warm up

Following cancellation of the game at Delft, HRC had organised a gathering at the Hart Beach Club. They brought four teams to add to the two teams from BSN and one from DIOK.

The games started in clear skies, but with a strong onshore wind. By half time, the hail had set in and everyone was cold. Scores were rumoured and half heard. One game was lost 2-0, but with dispute over the try line in the sand. Another may have been drawn 6-6. And the final game was a strong pressing rugby performance by our half frozen team to win six or seven to one.

Luc on the rampage

Luc on the rampage

The Beach Club did a terrific post-match trade in hot chocolates to refuel and reheat the team. A morning well spent. Never let the weather get in the way of rugby.

The hardcore: Aiden, Alexander C, Alexander G, Calum, Cammy, Daniel, Duncan, Henry, Jamie, Josh, Louis, Luc, Mac, Milly, Moritz, Nicolas, Ronan

A team huddle (to stay warm)

A team huddle (to stay warm)