We are glad to welcome Rob Mayfield as new chairman of the BSN Rugby Club from September 1. Rob succeeded Paul Hallet who moved back to the UK.

Rob is an alumni of the BSN school, he used to play for the BSN Colts, and has been supporting the club for 3 years as the club treasurer as well as organizing the annual rugby camp in collaboration with Worcester Warriors and Rugby Club Delft. Rob responded enthusiastically when he was asked to become the chairman of the club. “I have very fond memories of my BSN school days, and the rugby club was a big part of that – I still enjoy being part of the club, the game, the school and all the community and volunteers around it”.

What are the important issues for the club in the coming season? “There are many things that make the BSN RC different from other clubs in the Netherlands; we have an ever-changing group of players and volunteers because it’s expat community, which is a challenge, but we also bring a different rugby culture to the Netherlands – we want to build on our reputation of fair play, quality rugby and professionalism both on and off the pitch, and we want the club and the game to have a positive impact on the kids, the school and the community.”

“We are always busy with recruiting new players and volunteers, from within the British, French and American expat community and also from the Dutch community. We want more parents to take a role in the club, from first aid, to coaching assistants, team managers and many other roles.”

If you have any questions for Rob, please contact him via bsnrugby.chairman@gmail.com

For more information about the BSN Rugby board, please have a look at this page.

1 Comment

  1. Daran Charlton on September 20, 2019 at 1:23 pm

    Well done Rob, and a big thanks to our outgoing chairman Paul Hallet, great job!

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