Our Turvens had been through some ups and downs during the past month due to the weather conditions. The Warriors experienced some of the coldest training sessions. Although tears had been shed, with the guidance from the coaches and the support from the parents, they recovered very fast. Big smiles are now back on their handsome faces.

Head Coach Alberic commented: ‘Since the beginning of the year, we have been trying to teach the players to pass the ball as much as possible when attacking and to defend in line. It is a long journey. It is sometimes a bit frustrating for them, but it will pay off in the long run.’

The weather is getting colder. We now have snow, rain, and strong wind for the rest of the winter. However, our Turvens are now better prepared. The cold doesn’t bother us anymore.

Ying Zhou-Rameseder
Team Manager Turvens

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