Our new Turvens (2021-2022) had their first pre-season games on Saturday September 11, hosted by RC Delft. We have sent two teams with 15 experienced players and 1 new player. Both of the teams did amazingly well! They won all 6 games. The results are:

  • Team I: 6:4, 7:3, 5:4
  • Team II: 8:1, 9:2, 7:0

Both teams had pulled around 20 tags per half match and at least 2 double tags per match! Coach Bertrand commended: ‘It was amazing to resume games against other teams. The kids played very well with a lot of energy, tags, runs and fun! Only victories for the warriors!’

In the meantime, around 22 new players had a training session at SV Wassenaar. Head Coach Gez commented: ‘The training was great today. Rain stayed off so we trained till the very end. Some good players so we can look at integrating into match-ready-teams.’

Head Coach Gavin summarised this successful Saturday: ‘Fantastic restart to games today with 2 teams playing in a friendly tournament at Delft. All of our Warriors played very well, they defended their lines and supported each other fearlessly in the many attacking phases of the game. And to top it all off, we won 6 games out of 6 – Amazing. What a great start to the season.’

Our new Turvens also had a great training session at home to prepare them for the real games that are coming up. Lots of running, passing drills, and fun was had by all. Big congrats to everyone and we can’t wait for more!

Ying Zhou-Rameseder
Team Manager Turvens


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