Turvens had a very successful first game day on September 18th 2021 at Voorburg. 27 Warriors formed 3 teams, 14 out of 27 had never played in a match before. However, our Warriors did amazingly well. Led by the 13 veteran players, our new players rotated to learn through the games. They won 8 out of 9 games and had 1 draw. The results are:

Team I: 10:7, 9:4, 8:4

Team II: 6:4, 6:5, 7:2

Team III: 8:8, 9:2, 10:3

Moreover, Turvens’ defence was even more impressive. Team 1 pulled 62 tags and 10 double tags during 3 matches; Team 2 pulled 54 tags and 13 double tags; Team 3 pulled 16 double tags. Great job Warriors!

Head Coach Gavin commented: “Amazing start to the season – 8 wins and 1 draw from 9 games. Our first years had their first experience of match day and wow, didn’t they do well. Supported by the awesome second years we played our hearts out. Warriors start, pass, run, dummy, pass, run harder – try! And to top it off, restart………double tag Warriors. Doesn’t get much better than this. Some points to work on but that’s what Thursday is for. All coaches are so proud of our Warriors. Well done!”

In addition, our biggest supporters, the parents, were also the most awesome audiences. Many of them watched their Warriors play for the first time. Happiness, excitement, and proudness were floating in the air. Their positive energy really cheered our Turvens up. Thank you dear parents! Please continue supporting us for the rest of the season!

Ying Zhou-Rameseder
Team Manager Turvens

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