Strong Benjis start their journey
It is game time! With the start of a new season. It was fantastic to get back on the pitch on Saturday September 18th and restart our district games with other clubs again. Our 21 Wassenaar Warriors were playing at WRC Te Werve on a beautiful Saturday (and the smell of fresh grass..) against Te Werve and Voorburgse Rugby Club.
Our number of players has grown significantly vs. last year and the group is now under construction with a good split between 1st and 2nd year players. Smiles were there for sure as few players were playing their first rugby game. Congratulations! Both teams did very well and won their 6 games. A clear sign of a strong season ahead of us. The spirit is strong and we start seeing a team commitment emerging from the group. Our 1st years need to make the extra effort to gain the new necessary skills to play now safely and in confidence in Benjis… it is a steep step to reach but it is what we train for. Watch this group … we are on a journey!
Laurent Minaud
Head Coach – Benjis