Another wonderful performance from our Minis Warriors on Saturday June 22 at Scheveningen beach with our Wassenaar Warriors 2 team winning the 1st place in the final against HRC. It is always a great “summer rugby” moment for players, families and friends as we are closing off the tournament season with this event. Well done Warriors, a good demonstration of solid youth beach rugby along the day and an excellent spirit – a well-deserved 1st place. Congratulations!

Ticket to the finals

We registered 2 teams for the occasion as none wanted to miss this great event. Heading to the beach, both Wassenaar Warriors 1 (WW-1) and Wassenaar Warriors 2 (WW-2) know from experience that while this day on the beach is fun and everybody is excited about it, it is also very demanding. Energy in the morning is always high but can we keep it up until the end? Our WW-1 played respectively Rotterdamse 1, The Hanks from Haarlem, a German team from Frankfurt and Oemoemenoe RC as part of the group F qualifiers. They finishing 2nd and won a ticket for the eights final against Hilversum RC. Our WW-2 played respectively a girls team from Middenoost, Oisterwijk Oysters, Delft 1 and T-Gooi 1 as part of group A qualifiers. They finished 1st and won a ticket as well for the eights final against Utrechtsche 2.

At that time of the day, both teams are solid and qualified. We should expect to play tougher games now as each will play the leaders from the other qualifying groups. 6 qualifying groups with 30 minis team in total.

Play your best rugby

WW-1 starts the game against Hilversum RC. It is competitive and both know this game is a must win to reach the quarter finals. After an intense 10min, the referee blow the whistle, 5-6 for Hilversum, our WW-1 loose the game by 1 try, ending their performance for the day. It is tough, no one wanted to stop at this stage. Shortly after, WW-2 is playing Utrechtsche 2, a solid team, well in place with powerful players. Our WW-2 accelerate the pace and move the ball quickly. 1 try, 2-3-4 .. we are playing very collective rugby which pays off. Game over. 6-0 : we are qualified for the quarter finals against Pink Panters 1. Let’s continue our journey and keep doing what we do well: show solidarity, play fast and united. It against pays off and secure another win. Pink Panters 2 – WW 7. Well done team, one more game before the final. The opponent for our semi-final is Utrechtsche 1 this time. Well known colors. It has been a long day and it is our 7th game. It is the same for all and we can clearly see on players faces the desire to continue but also the efforts provided so far to reach this game. Same as with the eights final against Utrechtsche 2, Utrechtsche 1 players are well in place and our Warriors had to play their best rugby to win the game (9-3) and won their ticket for the final.

Off to the beach stadium

Let’s go to the stadium! As a great tradition for every age group, the final is played in the stadium. Music is loud, the supporters are cheering at their favourite team from the tribunes: Love it! And guess who we will play this year: HRC2. A well know opposition who plays fast and has solid rugby skills. 16:30 kick off. We have been there on the beach for 8h already, can we do 2×5 min more? Sure we can, especially as many of the younger categories are still around and joined the parents in the tribunes to support us. Let’s GO Warriors! We feel special, it is a unique moment for the players, for the coaches. These are the top 2 teams of the day out of the 30 registered. None lost a game so far. It is exciting. Our Wassenaar Warriors will hold strong and through an impressive end with 4 players on the pitch against 5 due to a yellow card, they won their final 7-2 against a no solution HRC. Our Minis were clearly better and faster. Well done Minis, it can’t be a better way to close this season. Very proud of this specific achievement, including all the others won with the full group since September.

Laurent Minaud – Head Coach Minis

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