It was a tough physical test this morning with 4 short matches in a row in the Delft mist. Character building (or damp and cold) depending on your perspective!

DIOK1 bt BSN 5 – 4

Birthday-boy Bence captained the side during a really entertaining and competitive match. There were long flowing passages of play, with two really great defensive turnovers by BSN – the boys were tagging machines!! Also brilliant attacking plays started by Pietro and Troy were finished off with tries from Lars, Anthony and Bobby.

BSN bt DIOK2 4 – 3

Some confusion on the 3 pass rule made for an interesting game. Great 1-2 passing by Rijk and Lars, and tries for Anthony, Bobby, Lars and Henry. A tight BSN defence, with important tagging by Troy and others, which was key to securing the win. Great sportsmanship by DIOK sharing their candy treats at the end!

Delft1 bt BSN 6 – 5

A really good nip and tuck game that Delft eventually won by 1 try. Excellent ball carrying by the BSN team, including tactical running on the wing by Matthew, slippery slick changes of direction from Anthony, and purposeful running from Lars who, after his broodje kaas, was like a magnet towards the line. Delft scored an important try with a long fast run down the wing – some people might have thought he was well outside the touch line – however the referee is the sole judge of fact and Delft made a crucial try in the corner. The most memorable moment of the game has got to be Bobby’s excellent try in the corner – must have been three shredded wheat for breakfast before the game?

BSN bt Delft2 5 – 4

Lars captained the side for the last match of the morning. Delft were well organised in their attacking formations, but BSN were fast off the line with a blitz defence, which again led to BSN turning defence in to attack. Rijk showed good passing skills in the first half, and in the second half there was some enthusiastic driving for the line from Leonardo, which was judged to be shoulder barging and no try. BSN sealed a deserved victory with Lars, Bobby and Anthony crossing the line for trys.