Triumphant Turvens Bondsdag Bonanza!
Glorious spring sunshine in Almere provided the backdrop to some electrifying rugby from the BSN Turvens. Unbeaten on the day, BSN topped the table sharing the honours together with The Hookers…..
It was an intense set of 4 matches back to back, with barely time for a bite of broodje kaas in between! Great team work all round from the 8 players that made the trip. Trys scored by Anthony, Daniel, Lars, Matthew, Sawyer and Bence (almost). Excellent passing skills and work rate from Rijk and Trym. Bence was always hungry for the ball and splitting the defence with his running. Special mention to Matthew for a great double tag, particularly difficult against those slippery plastic type of tags!
I think all would agree seeing the team together with their medals was a proud moment for players, parents and coaches alike. Thanks to the Bulldogs for a well organised and friendly day of rugby.
BSN beat Bulldogs 6 – 3
BSN beat Gouda2 2 – 1
BSN drew with Gouda1 7 all
BSN drew with Hookers 7 all
Thanks to Linda again for the great action photos