Castricumse RC shared their top class facility and also their warm hospitality in hosting the Spring Bonsdag.  The BSN Turvens put on a brilliant display against all three Castricumse teams with expansive running, and accurate passing, delivering wins in all matches.

Special mention to Henry for some great double tags,  Matthew for making a great interception from the Castricumse restart and Axel for using his pace on the wing to great effect.

BSN bt Castricumse Red 10-3

Trys for BSN: Matthew 4, Axel 2, Henry, Sammy, Shepherd and Trym

BSN bt Castricumse Yellow 12-6

Trys for BSN: Matthew 4, Henry 3, Axel 2, Trym 2 and Luke

BSN bt Castricumse Black 8-2

Trys for BSN including Zachary, Bobby, and great work from Marcos in making several of the trys.