The Hague Barbarians (the Junior cluster team comprising of players from Voorburgse Rugby Club and Wassenaar Warriors) played Castricum in the second game of the 3rd phase of the season.

The last time the clubs played together we had a thrilling back and forth scoring game with Castricum edging out The Barbarians to a 26-29 win. Although the scoreline wasn’t the same, the match was thrilling to watch in its own way.

The Barbarians matched Castricum for the first 20-25 mins. The defense was solid with a number of good tackles dislodging the ball from the Castricum attack. Our attacking runs were greatly improved with the team showing some variation in attacking through the centre or getting the ball out to the wings. Castricum proved to be more powerful in the scrums though and we struggled to maintain the ball there. Castricum scoring their first try just before half time.

The second half saw The Barbarians pick up a gear and try some new things. Grubber and territorial kicks were being made, and the defensive line holding firm. Unfortunately for us Castricum scored twice in the second half leaving the final score to be 17-0 to Castricum.

Despite us not crossing the tryline – this was an improved Barbarians performance though. The backs communicated better and spread the ball around the field. The back three especially worked well together covering kicks and launching attacks. The forwards grouped together and we were much better in the rucks securing the ball. The scrum creaked due to the more powerful Castricum pack but we have a few good runs from the back when we secured the ball. Lineouts didn’t go to plan either – but these are all things that can be worked upon.

What showed more today was that the team worked together and didn’t give up. They played for the entire game and didn’t give up. We had a couple of players that came off with injuries (take a bow Lucas and Jamie who suffered a broken nose and a shoulder injury respectively) but the structure of the team stayed together and the team adapted well to the replacement players coming onto the field.

Next week we’re hosting Twente at Voorburg. Kick off is at 13:00 so come along and show your support for the team!

Stephen Brown
Match reporter


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