On Saturday November 20th, 27 Turvens Warriors formed 3 teams at HRC to play against 3 teams from HRC and 2 teams from VR-C. Due to the new measurements against Covid19, parents spectators were not allowed. Most Warriors had never played without their parents before. However, they did greatly as always. We had 6 wins and 3 losses at the end.

Team I: 9:6, 7:10, 7:6; 47 tags and 1 double tags were pulled.

Coach Pascal: “Team A had a very good morning too. Quite a few tries and we saw a lot of good passes and efforts to distribute the ball, with good team management by the captain and some nice tagging by first years who are gaining confidence. The game against HRC1 was quite tough though, they have a good team and we saw there the limit of relying on fast-efficient second years running and dodging alone when faced with a well organised opponent team although we managed well at the end. We may want to insist again at training on passing to all team members instead of just aiming for fast tries. All in all very satisfactory.”

Team II: 7:4, 3:4, 12:9; 56 tags and 18 double tags were pulled.

Coach Bertrand: “Another good day for team 2 on the rugby pitches. If the first match was well managed against VRC, the next two matches were more challenging against 2 HRC teams and our warriors had to give a lot of energy. The first was just lost but warriors improved their level for the last match with more and better passing that led them to a final victory. Well done Warriors! This day the double tag king was Zunqi (14 double tags).”

Team III: 8:5, 7:8, 9:6; 72 tags were pulled.

Coach Cedric: “Very important Saturday for team C because our Warriors understood that a victory needs to be deserved. 2 wins and 1 loss because of very pugnacious opponents with fast runners who surprised some of our players. A very good lesson for our players which underlined what needs to be improved (repositioning, off sides, more passes and more pressure on the fast runners). But once again our Warriors never gave up and showed very encouraging behaviour on the field.”

Coach Ken added: “The only thing I would add is the need for the Warriors to advance in line when they are on defense.”

Young Turvens Warriors are always improving since the beginning of the season. Playing with more challenging opponents accelerates their progress. They will definitely surprise their parents when spectators are allowed again.

Ying Zhou-Rameseder
Team Manager Turvens

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